Thanks to the ELSI interface, it is now possible to access NTPoly from the DFTB+ software[1]. DFTB+ is software for performing density functional tight-binding calculations. The efficiency of DFTB+ makes it a great tool for exploratory calculations or studying very large systems. In this blog post, I want to go over the process of getting this setup and see what we can do.

Compile ELSI

First, you’ll need to download the source files for ELSI and DFTB+ and unpack them. The first thing to compile is ELSI, for which contains all of the instructions. After setting up the pre-requisites, you can look at the toolchain files, and try to pick something for your system. I’m using a Mac, so I’ll have to generate one of my own:

SET(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER "mpifort" CACHE STRING "MPI Fortran compiler")

SET(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-O3 -std=legacy -fopenmp" CACHE STRING "Fortran flags")
SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-O3 -std=c99" CACHE STRING "C flags")
SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-O3 -std=c++11" CACHE STRING "C++ flags")

SET(LIBS "-lscalapack -llapack -lblas" CACHE STRING "External libraries")

This is for sure not an ideal configure file; when building on a real production machine, more care should be taken.

Compile DFTB+

Next we have to compile DFTB+. This time it’s Install.rst that has the details. In the build directory I used a command like:

CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=../../elsi-2.7.1/build/ cmake .. -DWITH_ELSI=Yes \
-DWITH_MPI=Yes -DSCALAPACK_LIBRARY="-L/usr/local/opt/scalapack/lib \
-lscalapack" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-11 -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran

the key ingredients are specifying the ELSI path, turning on ELSI, and turning on MPI. Now, for some reason, the DFTB+ developers did not test ELSI using multiple threads, and have even gone so far as to halt the program if you try. But given that NTPoly was built from the start with openmp in mind let’s disable that. Open the file prog/dftb+/lib_dftbplus/initprogram.F90, and change line 1808 to: if (omp_get_max_threads() > 1 .AND. .FALSE.) then. The other possibility woudl be to disable openmp support. After doing either of these steps, you can compile.

Test DFTB+

To use DFTB+, you need “Slater-Koster” files, which contain parameters for a given set of elements. You can download these from the DFTB website. We can download, for example, the 3ob files, and put them in a folder param. Then we can test out dftb+ on an example input/geometry.

Geometry = xyzFormat {
  <<< ""

Hamiltonian = DFTB {
  Scc = No
  SlaterKosterFiles = Type2FileNames {
    Prefix = "params/"
    Separator = "-" 
    Suffix = ".skf"
  MaxAngularMomentum {
    H = "s"
    C = "p"
    O = "p"
    N = "p"

Parallel = {UseOmpThreads = Yes}

O          0.47000        2.56880        0.00060
O         -3.12710       -0.44360       -0.00030
N         -0.96860       -1.31250        0.00000
N          2.21820        0.14120       -0.00030
N         -1.34770        1.07970       -0.00010
N          1.41190       -1.93720        0.00020
C          0.85790        0.25920       -0.00080
C          0.38970       -1.02640       -0.00040
C          0.03070        1.42200       -0.00060
C         -1.90610       -0.24950       -0.00040
C          2.50320       -1.19980        0.00030
C         -1.42760       -2.69600        0.00080
C          3.19260        1.20610        0.00030
C         -2.29690        2.18810        0.00070
H          3.51630       -1.57870        0.00080
H         -1.04510       -3.19730       -0.89370
H         -2.51860       -2.75960        0.00110
H         -1.04470       -3.19630        0.89570
H          4.19920        0.78010        0.00020
H          3.04680        1.80920       -0.89920
H          3.04660        1.80830        0.90040
H         -1.80870        3.16510       -0.00030
H         -2.93220        2.10270        0.88810
H         -2.93460        2.10210       -0.88490

And then run as mpirun -np 1 dftb+ < dftb_in.hsd. After verifying that this works, let’s try activating NTPoly. Just add to the Hamiltonian section: Solver = NTPoly {Truncation=1e-8}. We can play with the truncation values to see that indeed it effects the final energy. By setting Solver = Elpa{} we can compare to a dense eigenvalue solver.

Threshold Energy
ELPA -33.7876300688
1e-10 -33.7876300688
1e-8 -33.7876300687
1e-6 -33.7876302712
1e-4 -33.7876758010

Matrix Printing

Let’s do one last thing. Suppose that we want to extract the Hamiltonian’s that DFTB+ is generating so that we can develop new methods. By strategically inserting some code into ELSI, we can do this without any trouble. Open up the file src/elsi_ntpoly.f90 inside ELSI. On line 26 we can add WriteMatrixToMatrixMarket as an extra routine. Then just inside the main source code of elsi_solve_ntpoly, we will add:

call WriteMatrixToMatrixMarket(ham, "H.mtx")
call WriteMatrixToMatrixMarket(ovlp, "S.mtx")

Recompile ELSI and DFTB+ (you might need to delete the executable to force relinking). The matrices will now appear if you run the code. If you swap out NTPoly for ELPA and run, you will get a file called band.out which contains the reference eigenvalues. We can write a small python script to verify that we can reproduce those values just by reading the file:

from import mmread
from scipy.linalg import eigh
H = mmread("H.mtx").todense()
S = mmread("S.mtx").todense()
w, v = eigh(H, S)
print([x*27.2114 for x in w])


In this post, I’ve gone over how to get DFTB+ and ELSI setup so that you can use NTPoly for tight-binding calculations. There are of course a whole range of follow up steps that would be required to do a full study. Fortunately, the DFTB+ Documentation is well written, and the code is rich in features, so there is a lot of fun to be had.

[1] Hourahine, Ben, Bálint Aradi, Volker Blum, F. Bonafé, A. Buccheri, C. Camacho, C. Cevallos et al. “DFTB+, a software package for efficient approximate density functional theory based atomistic simulations.” The Journal of chemical physics 152, no. 12 (2020): 124101.