▼Nchebyshevsolversmodule | A Module For Computing Matrix functions based on Chebyshev polynomials |
Cchebyshevpolynomial_t | A datatype that represents a Chebyshev polynomial |
▼Nchebyshevsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the Chebyshev Solvers Module |
Cchebyshevpolynomial_wrp | A wrapper for the polynomial data type |
▼Ndistributedmatrixmemorypoolmodule | A module for handling scratch memory for distributed matrix multiplication |
Cdistributedmatrixmemorypool_t | A memory pool datatype that can be reused for matrix matrix multiplication. this is to prevent excessive alloc/dealloc |
▼Ndistributedmatrixmemorypoolmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping the distributed sparse matrix memory pool |
Cdistributedmatrixmemorypool_wrp | Wrapper for the distributed matrix memory pool type |
▼Ndistributedsparsematrixmodule | A Module For Performing Distributed Sparse Matrix Operations |
Cdistributedsparsematrix_t | A datatype for a distributed blocked CSR matrix |
▼Ndistributedsparsematrixmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping a Distributed Sparse Matrix |
Cdistributedsparsematrix_wrp | A wrapper for the sparse matrix data type |
▼Nerrormodule | A (under development) module to do handle error passing |
Cerror_t | A type that can be passed around to accumulate errors |
▼Nfixedsolversmodule | Parameters for a fixed size polynomial solver |
Cfixedsolverparameters_t | A class for passing parameters to an iterative solver |
▼Nfixedsolversmodule_wrp | A wrapper for the chemistry solver parameters |
Cfixedsolverparameters_wrp | A wrapper for the sparse matrix data type |
▼Niterativesolversmodule | A Module For Storing The Parameters For Iterative Solvers |
Citerativesolverparameters_t | A class for passing parameters to an iterative solver |
▼Niterativesolversmodule_wrp | A wrapper for the chemistry solver parameters |
Citerativesolverparameters_wrp | A wrapper for the sparse matrix data type |
▼Nmatrixgathermodule | Module for gathering matrices across processes |
Cgatherhelper_t | A data structure to stores internal information about a gather call |
▼Nmatrixmemorypoolmodule | A module for handling scratch memory for matrix multiplication. The purpose of this module is to avoid having to allocate memory on the heap during a matrix multiply, and to manage the underlying hash table |
Cmatrixmemorypool_t | A memory pool datatype that can be reused for matrix matrix multiplication. this is to prevent excessive alloc/dealloc |
▼Nmatrixmemorypoolmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping the matrix memory pool data type |
Cmatrixmemorypool_wrp | A wrapper for the matrix memory pool data type |
▼NNTPoly | C++ interface to NTPoly |
CChebyshevPolynomial | A Class For Computing Matrix functions based on Chebyshev polynomials |
CDensityMatrixSolvers | A Class For Solving Chemistry Systems Based On Sparse Matrices |
CDistributedMatrixMemoryPool | |
CDistributedSparseMatrix | A Module For Performing Distributed Sparse Matrix Operations |
CEigenBounds | A class for computing eigen bounds matrices |
CExponentialSolvers | A Module For Computing General Matrix Exponentials |
CFixedSolverParameters | A class to store all the parameters used for solvers |
CInverseSolvers | A class for inverting matrices |
CIterativeSolverParameters | A class to store all the parameters used for solvers |
CLinearSolvers | A class for inverting matrices |
CLoadBalancer | A data structure for storing permutations |
CMatrixMemoryPool | |
CMinimizerSolvers | A class for computing the density matrix based on minimization methods |
CPermutation | A data structure for storing permutations |
CPolynomial | A Class For Computing General Matrix Polynomials |
CRootSolvers | A Class For Computing General Matrix Roots |
CSignSolvers | A Class For Computing The Matrix Sign Function |
CSolverBase | A class that serves as the base class for all the solvers |
CSparseMatrix | A datatype for storing a CSR matrix |
CSquareRootSolvers | A Class For Computing The Square Root of a Matrix |
CTrigonometrySolvers | A Module For Computing Trigonometric functions of a Matrix |
CTriplet | A Class For Storing Triplets of Integer, Integer, Double |
CTripletList | |
▼Npermutationmodule | Module for load balancing the matrix multiplication calculation |
Cpermutation_t | A data structure for storing permutations |
▼Npermutationmodule_wrp | Wraps the load balancer module for calling from other languages |
Cpermutation_wrp | A wrapper for the permutation data type |
▼Npolynomialsolversmodule | A Module For Computing General Matrix Polynomials |
Cpolynomial_t | A datatype that represents a polynomial |
▼Npolynomialsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages |
Cpolynomial_wrp | A wrapper for the polynomial data type |
▼Nsparsematrixiteratormodule | A module for an iterator that allows one to easily iterate over elements |
Csparsematrixiterator_t | A datatype for iterating over a CSR matrix |
▼Nsparsematrixmodule | A module for handling locally stored CSR matrices |
Csparsematrix_t | A datatype for storing a CSR matrix |
▼Nsparsematrixmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping the sparse matrix data type |
Csparsematrix_wrp | A wrapper for the sparse matrix data type |
▼Ntripletlistmodule | A Module For Storing Lists of triplets. Contains both a methods for sorting lists |
Ctripletlist_t | A data type for a list of triplets. As this is related to matrix multiplication, the referencing indices are rows and columns |
▼Ntripletlistmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping the triplet list data type |
Ctripletlist_wrp | A wrapper for the triplet list data type |
▼Ntripletmodule | A Module For Storing Triplets of Integer, Integer, Double. Contains a class Triplet and a means to compare them |
Ctriplet_t | A data type for a triplet of integer, integer, double. As this is related to matrix multiplication, the referencing indices are rows and columns |
▼Ntripletmodule_wrp | Wraps the triplet module for calling from other languages |
Ctriplet_wrp | A wrapper for the triplet data type |
▼NUnitTests | |
▼NtestChemistry | |
CTestChemistry | A test class for the distributed matrix module |
▼NtestDistributedSparseMatrix | |
CTestDistributedMatrix | |
CTestParameters | An internal class for holding internal class parameters |
▼NtestSolvers | |
CTestSolvers | A test class for the different kinds of solvers |
▼NtestSparseMatrix | |
CTestLocalMatrix | |
CTestParameters | An internal class for holding test parameters |