Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NchebyshevsolversmoduleA Module For Computing Matrix functions based on Chebyshev polynomials
 Cchebyshevpolynomial_tA datatype that represents a Chebyshev polynomial
 Nchebyshevsolversmodule_wrpWraps the Chebyshev Solvers Module
 Cchebyshevpolynomial_wrpA wrapper for the polynomial data type
 NdistributedmatrixmemorypoolmoduleA module for handling scratch memory for distributed matrix multiplication
 Cdistributedmatrixmemorypool_tA memory pool datatype that can be reused for matrix matrix multiplication. this is to prevent excessive alloc/dealloc
 Ndistributedmatrixmemorypoolmodule_wrpA module for wrapping the distributed sparse matrix memory pool
 Cdistributedmatrixmemorypool_wrpWrapper for the distributed matrix memory pool type
 NdistributedsparsematrixmoduleA Module For Performing Distributed Sparse Matrix Operations
 Cdistributedsparsematrix_tA datatype for a distributed blocked CSR matrix
 Ndistributedsparsematrixmodule_wrpA module for wrapping a Distributed Sparse Matrix
 Cdistributedsparsematrix_wrpA wrapper for the sparse matrix data type
 NerrormoduleA (under development) module to do handle error passing
 Cerror_tA type that can be passed around to accumulate errors
 NfixedsolversmoduleParameters for a fixed size polynomial solver
 Cfixedsolverparameters_tA class for passing parameters to an iterative solver
 Nfixedsolversmodule_wrpA wrapper for the chemistry solver parameters
 Cfixedsolverparameters_wrpA wrapper for the sparse matrix data type
 NiterativesolversmoduleA Module For Storing The Parameters For Iterative Solvers
 Citerativesolverparameters_tA class for passing parameters to an iterative solver
 Niterativesolversmodule_wrpA wrapper for the chemistry solver parameters
 Citerativesolverparameters_wrpA wrapper for the sparse matrix data type
 NmatrixgathermoduleModule for gathering matrices across processes
 Cgatherhelper_tA data structure to stores internal information about a gather call
 NmatrixmemorypoolmoduleA module for handling scratch memory for matrix multiplication. The purpose of this module is to avoid having to allocate memory on the heap during a matrix multiply, and to manage the underlying hash table
 Cmatrixmemorypool_tA memory pool datatype that can be reused for matrix matrix multiplication. this is to prevent excessive alloc/dealloc
 Nmatrixmemorypoolmodule_wrpA module for wrapping the matrix memory pool data type
 Cmatrixmemorypool_wrpA wrapper for the matrix memory pool data type
 NNTPolyC++ interface to NTPoly
 CChebyshevPolynomialA Class For Computing Matrix functions based on Chebyshev polynomials
 CDensityMatrixSolversA Class For Solving Chemistry Systems Based On Sparse Matrices
 CDistributedSparseMatrixA Module For Performing Distributed Sparse Matrix Operations
 CEigenBoundsA class for computing eigen bounds matrices
 CExponentialSolversA Module For Computing General Matrix Exponentials
 CFixedSolverParametersA class to store all the parameters used for solvers
 CInverseSolversA class for inverting matrices
 CIterativeSolverParametersA class to store all the parameters used for solvers
 CLinearSolversA class for inverting matrices
 CLoadBalancerA data structure for storing permutations
 CMinimizerSolversA class for computing the density matrix based on minimization methods
 CPermutationA data structure for storing permutations
 CPolynomialA Class For Computing General Matrix Polynomials
 CRootSolversA Class For Computing General Matrix Roots
 CSignSolversA Class For Computing The Matrix Sign Function
 CSolverBaseA class that serves as the base class for all the solvers
 CSparseMatrixA datatype for storing a CSR matrix
 CSquareRootSolversA Class For Computing The Square Root of a Matrix
 CTrigonometrySolversA Module For Computing Trigonometric functions of a Matrix
 CTripletA Class For Storing Triplets of Integer, Integer, Double
 NpermutationmoduleModule for load balancing the matrix multiplication calculation
 Cpermutation_tA data structure for storing permutations
 Npermutationmodule_wrpWraps the load balancer module for calling from other languages
 Cpermutation_wrpA wrapper for the permutation data type
 NpolynomialsolversmoduleA Module For Computing General Matrix Polynomials
 Cpolynomial_tA datatype that represents a polynomial
 Npolynomialsolversmodule_wrpWraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages
 Cpolynomial_wrpA wrapper for the polynomial data type
 NsparsematrixiteratormoduleA module for an iterator that allows one to easily iterate over elements
 Csparsematrixiterator_tA datatype for iterating over a CSR matrix
 NsparsematrixmoduleA module for handling locally stored CSR matrices
 Csparsematrix_tA datatype for storing a CSR matrix
 Nsparsematrixmodule_wrpA module for wrapping the sparse matrix data type
 Csparsematrix_wrpA wrapper for the sparse matrix data type
 NtripletlistmoduleA Module For Storing Lists of triplets. Contains both a methods for sorting lists
 Ctripletlist_tA data type for a list of triplets. As this is related to matrix multiplication, the referencing indices are rows and columns
 Ntripletlistmodule_wrpA module for wrapping the triplet list data type
 Ctripletlist_wrpA wrapper for the triplet list data type
 NtripletmoduleA Module For Storing Triplets of Integer, Integer, Double. Contains a class Triplet and a means to compare them
 Ctriplet_tA data type for a triplet of integer, integer, double. As this is related to matrix multiplication, the referencing indices are rows and columns
 Ntripletmodule_wrpWraps the triplet module for calling from other languages
 Ctriplet_wrpA wrapper for the triplet data type
 CTestChemistryA test class for the distributed matrix module
 CTestParametersAn internal class for holding internal class parameters
 CTestSolversA test class for the different kinds of solvers
 CTestParametersAn internal class for holding test parameters