Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cchebyshevsolversmodule::chebyshevpolynomial_tA datatype that represents a Chebyshev polynomial
 Cchebyshevsolversmodule_wrp::chebyshevpolynomial_wrpA wrapper for the polynomial data type
 Cdistributedmatrixmemorypoolmodule::distributedmatrixmemorypool_tA memory pool datatype that can be reused for matrix matrix multiplication. this is to prevent excessive alloc/dealloc
 Cdistributedmatrixmemorypoolmodule_wrp::distributedmatrixmemorypool_wrpWrapper for the distributed matrix memory pool type
 CNTPoly::DistributedSparseMatrixA Module For Performing Distributed Sparse Matrix Operations
 Cdistributedsparsematrixmodule::distributedsparsematrix_tA datatype for a distributed blocked CSR matrix
 Cdistributedsparsematrixmodule_wrp::distributedsparsematrix_wrpA wrapper for the sparse matrix data type
 Cerrormodule::error_tA type that can be passed around to accumulate errors
 CNTPoly::FixedSolverParametersA class to store all the parameters used for solvers
 Cfixedsolversmodule::fixedsolverparameters_tA class for passing parameters to an iterative solver
 Cfixedsolversmodule_wrp::fixedsolverparameters_wrpA wrapper for the sparse matrix data type
 Cmatrixgathermodule::gatherhelper_tA data structure to stores internal information about a gather call
 CNTPoly::IterativeSolverParametersA class to store all the parameters used for solvers
 Citerativesolversmodule::iterativesolverparameters_tA class for passing parameters to an iterative solver
 Citerativesolversmodule_wrp::iterativesolverparameters_wrpA wrapper for the sparse matrix data type
 CNTPoly::LoadBalancerA data structure for storing permutations
 Cmatrixmemorypoolmodule::matrixmemorypool_tA memory pool datatype that can be reused for matrix matrix multiplication. this is to prevent excessive alloc/dealloc
 Cmatrixmemorypoolmodule_wrp::matrixmemorypool_wrpA wrapper for the matrix memory pool data type
 CNTPoly::PermutationA data structure for storing permutations
 Cpermutationmodule::permutation_tA data structure for storing permutations
 Cpermutationmodule_wrp::permutation_wrpA wrapper for the permutation data type
 Cpolynomialsolversmodule::polynomial_tA datatype that represents a polynomial
 Cpolynomialsolversmodule_wrp::polynomial_wrpA wrapper for the polynomial data type
 CNTPoly::SolverBaseA class that serves as the base class for all the solvers
 CNTPoly::ChebyshevPolynomialA Class For Computing Matrix functions based on Chebyshev polynomials
 CNTPoly::DensityMatrixSolversA Class For Solving Chemistry Systems Based On Sparse Matrices
 CNTPoly::EigenBoundsA class for computing eigen bounds matrices
 CNTPoly::ExponentialSolversA Module For Computing General Matrix Exponentials
 CNTPoly::InverseSolversA class for inverting matrices
 CNTPoly::LinearSolversA class for inverting matrices
 CNTPoly::MinimizerSolversA class for computing the density matrix based on minimization methods
 CNTPoly::PolynomialA Class For Computing General Matrix Polynomials
 CNTPoly::RootSolversA Class For Computing General Matrix Roots
 CNTPoly::SignSolversA Class For Computing The Matrix Sign Function
 CNTPoly::SquareRootSolversA Class For Computing The Square Root of a Matrix
 CNTPoly::TrigonometrySolversA Module For Computing Trigonometric functions of a Matrix
 CNTPoly::SparseMatrixA datatype for storing a CSR matrix
 Csparsematrixmodule::sparsematrix_tA datatype for storing a CSR matrix
 Csparsematrixmodule_wrp::sparsematrix_wrpA wrapper for the sparse matrix data type
 Csparsematrixiteratormodule::sparsematrixiterator_tA datatype for iterating over a CSR matrix
 CUnitTests.testChemistry.TestChemistryA test class for the distributed matrix module
 CUnitTests.testSolvers.TestSolversA test class for the different kinds of solvers
 CUnitTests.testSparseMatrix.TestParametersAn internal class for holding test parameters
 CUnitTests.testDistributedSparseMatrix.TestParametersAn internal class for holding internal class parameters
 CNTPoly::TripletA Class For Storing Triplets of Integer, Integer, Double
 Ctripletmodule::triplet_tA data type for a triplet of integer, integer, double. As this is related to matrix multiplication, the referencing indices are rows and columns
 Ctripletmodule_wrp::triplet_wrpA wrapper for the triplet data type
 Ctripletlistmodule::tripletlist_tA data type for a list of triplets. As this is related to matrix multiplication, the referencing indices are rows and columns
 Ctripletlistmodule_wrp::tripletlist_wrpA wrapper for the triplet list data type