Nchebyshevsolversmodule | A Module For Computing Matrix functions based on Chebyshev polynomials |
Nchebyshevsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the Chebyshev Solvers Module |
Ndatatypesmodule | A module to store specifications for basic data types |
Ndensematrixmodule | This (currently under construction) module allows one to convert a sparse matrix to a dense matrix. It also supports dense the dense versions of core matrix routines. This module will be used in situations where matrices become too dense for good sparse matrix performance |
Ndensitymatrixsolversmodule | A Module For Solving Quantum Chemistry Systems using Purification |
Ndensitymatrixsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages |
Ndistributedmatrixmemorypoolmodule | A module for handling scratch memory for distributed matrix multiplication |
Ndistributedmatrixmemorypoolmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping the distributed sparse matrix memory pool |
Ndistributedsparsematrixmodule | A Module For Performing Distributed Sparse Matrix Operations |
Ndistributedsparsematrixmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping a Distributed Sparse Matrix |
Neigenboundsmodule | A module for computing estimates of the bounds of a matrix's spectrum |
Neigenboundsmodule_wrp | Wraps the matrix inversion module for calling from other languages |
Nerrormodule | A (under development) module to do handle error passing |
Nexponentialsolversmodule | A Module For Computing Matrix Exponentials and Logarithms |
Nexponentialsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages |
Nfixedsolversmodule | Parameters for a fixed size polynomial solver |
Nfixedsolversmodule_wrp | A wrapper for the chemistry solver parameters |
Ngemmtasksmodule | This module contains some enumerators which name the tasks for Gemm |
Ninversesolversmodule | A Module For Computing The Inverse of a Matrix |
Ninversesolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the matrix inversion module for calling from other languages |
Niterativesolversmodule | A Module For Storing The Parameters For Iterative Solvers |
Niterativesolversmodule_wrp | A wrapper for the chemistry solver parameters |
Nlinearsolversmodule | Solve the matrix equation AX = B |
Nlinearsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the matrix inversion module for calling from other languages |
Nloadbalancermodule | Module for load balancing the matrix multiplication calculation |
Nloadbalancermodule_wrp | Wraps the load balancer module for calling from other languages |
Nloggingmodule | A module for writing data to the log file |
Nmatrixgathermodule | Module for gathering matrices across processes |
Nmatrixmarketmodule | This module contains helpers for processing matrix market files |
Nmatrixmemorypoolmodule | A module for handling scratch memory for matrix multiplication. The purpose of this module is to avoid having to allocate memory on the heap during a matrix multiply, and to manage the underlying hash table |
Nmatrixmemorypoolmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping the matrix memory pool data type |
Nminimizersolversmodule | A Module For Solving Systems Quantum Chemistry Systems Using Minimization |
Nminimizersolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages |
NNTPoly | C++ interface to NTPoly |
Nparameterconvertermodule | Convert between different types of parameters |
Npermutationmodule | Module for load balancing the matrix multiplication calculation |
Npermutationmodule_wrp | Wraps the load balancer module for calling from other languages |
Npolynomialsolversmodule | A Module For Computing General Matrix Polynomials |
Npolynomialsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages |
Nprocessgridmodule | A module to manage the process grid |
Nprocessgridmodule_wrp | A wrapper for the process grid module |
Nrootsolversmodule | A Module For Computing General Matrix Roots |
Nrootsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages |
Nsignsolversmodule | A Module For Computing The Matrix Sign Function |
Nsignsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages |
Nsparsematrixalgebramodule | A module for performing linear algebra using sparse matrices |
Nsparsematrixalgebramodule_wrp | A module for wrapping the sparse algebra routines |
Nsparsematrixiteratormodule | A module for an iterator that allows one to easily iterate over elements |
Nsparsematrixmodule | A module for handling locally stored CSR matrices |
Nsparsematrixmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping the sparse matrix data type |
Nsparsevectormodule | A module for handling compressed vectors. Compressed vectors are stored in two lists. The first is a list of indices, the second a list of values. This module can add two of those vectors together |
Nsquarerootsolversmodule | A Module For Computing The Square Root of a Matrix |
Nsquarerootsolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages |
NtestDistributedSparseMatrix | A test suite for the Distributed Sparse Matrix module |
NtestSparseMatrix | A test suite for the Sparse Matrix module |
Ntimermodule | A module to do timings |
Ntrigonometrysolversmodule | A Module For Computing Trigonometric functions of a Matrix |
Ntrigonometrysolversmodule_wrp | Wraps the overlap solvers module for calling from other languages |
Ntripletlistmodule | A Module For Storing Lists of triplets. Contains both a methods for sorting lists |
Ntripletlistmodule_wrp | A module for wrapping the triplet list data type |
Ntripletmodule | A Module For Storing Triplets of Integer, Integer, Double. Contains a class Triplet and a means to compare them |
Ntripletmodule_wrp | Wraps the triplet module for calling from other languages |
Nwrappermodule | A module that holds constants that allow to the wrappers to work |