GatherMatrixToProcess Interface

public interface GatherMatrixToProcess


Module Procedures

private subroutine GatherMatrixToProcess_psr(this, local_mat, proc_id)

This subroutine gathers the entire matrix into a local matrix on the given process. This routine is used when printing, but also is useful for debugging.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(Matrix_ps), intent(inout) :: this

The matrix to gather.

type(Matrix_lsr), intent(inout) :: local_mat

The full matrix, stored in a local matrix.

integer, intent(in) :: proc_id

Which process to gather on.

private subroutine GatherMatrixToProcess_psc(this, local_mat, proc_id)

This subroutine gathers the entire matrix into a local matrix on the given process. This routine is used when printing, but also is useful for debugging.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(Matrix_ps), intent(inout) :: this

The matrix to gather.

type(Matrix_lsc), intent(inout) :: local_mat

The full matrix, stored in a local matrix.

integer, intent(in) :: proc_id

Which process to gather on.