SolverParameters_t Interface

public interface SolverParameters_t


Module Procedures

private pure function SolverParameters_init(converge_diff_in, threshold_in, max_iterations_in, be_verbose_in, BalancePermutation_in) result(this)

Construct a data type which stores iterative solver parameters.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=NTREAL), intent(in), optional :: converge_diff_in

Converge_diff_in the difference between iterations to consider a calculation converged.

real(kind=NTREAL), intent(in), optional :: threshold_in

The zero threshold

integer, intent(in), optional :: max_iterations_in

The maximum number of iterations to perform

logical, intent(in), optional :: be_verbose_in

Whether to print during the calculation (default = False)

type(Permutation_t), intent(in), optional :: BalancePermutation_in

For load balancing

Return Value type(SolverParameters_t)