CompareTriplets Interface

public interface CompareTriplets


Module Procedures

private pure function CompareTriplets_r(tripA, tripB) result(islessthan)

Compare two triplets based on their index values, first by column and second by row. Returns A < B.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(Triplet_r), intent(in) :: tripA

First triplet.

type(Triplet_r), intent(in) :: tripB

Second triplet.

Return Value logical

A < B.

private pure function CompareTriplets_c(tripA, tripB) result(islessthan)

Compare two triplets based on their index values, first by column and second by row. Returns A < B.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(Triplet_c), intent(in) :: tripA

First triplet.

type(Triplet_c), intent(in) :: tripB

Second triplet.

Return Value logical

A < B.