TransposeMatrix Interface

public interface TransposeMatrix


Module Procedures

private subroutine TransposeMatrix_lsr(this, matT)

Transpose a sparse matrix and return it in a separate matrix. The current implementation has you go from matrix to triplet list, triplet list to transposed triplet list. The triplet list must then be sorted and then the return matrix is constructed.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(Matrix_lsr), intent(in) :: this

The matrix to be transposed.

type(Matrix_lsr), intent(inout) :: matT

The input matrix transposed.

private subroutine TransposeMatrix_lsc(this, matT)

Transpose a sparse matrix and return it in a separate matrix. The current implementation has you go from matrix to triplet list, triplet list to transposed triplet list. The triplet list must then be sorted and then the return matrix is constructed.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(Matrix_lsc), intent(in) :: this

The matrix to be transposed.

type(Matrix_lsc), intent(inout) :: matT

The input matrix transposed.