ConstructMatrixMemoryPool Interface

public interface ConstructMatrixMemoryPool


Module Procedures

private subroutine ConstructMatrixMemoryPoolSub_lr(this, columns, rows, sparsity_in)

Subroutine wrapper for the constructor.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(MatrixMemoryPool_lr), TARGET :: this

The matrix to construct.

integer, intent(in) :: columns

Number of columns in the matrix.

integer, intent(in) :: rows

Number of rows in the matrix.

real(kind=NTREAL), intent(in), optional :: sparsity_in

Estimated sparsity (optional).

private subroutine ConstructMatrixMemoryPoolSub_lc(this, columns, rows, sparsity_in)

Subroutine wrapper for the constructor.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(MatrixMemoryPool_lc), TARGET :: this

The matrix to construct.

integer, intent(in) :: columns

Number of columns in the matrix.

integer, intent(in) :: rows

Number of rows in the matrix.

real(kind=NTREAL), intent(in), optional :: sparsity_in

Estimated sparsity (optional).