ReduceAndSumMatrixSizes Interface

public interface ReduceAndSumMatrixSizes


Module Procedures

private subroutine ReduceAndSumMatrixSizes_lsr(matrix, comm, gathered_matrix, helper)

The first routine to call, gathers the sizes of the data to be sent.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(Matrix_lsr), intent(in) :: matrix

The matrix to send.

integer, intent(inout) :: comm

The communicator to send along.

type(Matrix_lsr), intent(inout) :: gathered_matrix

The matrix we are gathering.

type(ReduceHelper_t), intent(inout) :: helper

The helper associated with this gather.

private subroutine ReduceAndSumMatrixSizes_lsc(matrix, comm, gathered_matrix, helper)

The first routine to call, gathers the sizes of the data to be sent.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(Matrix_lsc), intent(in) :: matrix

The matrix to send.

integer, intent(inout) :: comm

The communicator to send along.

type(Matrix_lsc), intent(inout) :: gathered_matrix

The matrix we are gathering.

type(ReduceHelper_t), intent(inout) :: helper

The helper associated with this gather.