SetTripletAt Interface

public interface SetTripletAt


Module Procedures

private pure subroutine SetTripletAt_r(this, index, triplet_value)

Set the value of a triplet at a particular index.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(TripletList_r), intent(inout) :: this

The triplet list to set.

integer, intent(in) :: index

The index at which to set the triplet.

type(Triplet_r), intent(in) :: triplet_value

The value of the triplet to set.

private pure subroutine SetTripletAt_c(this, index, triplet_value)

Set the value of a triplet at a particular index.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(TripletList_c), intent(inout) :: this

The triplet list to set.

integer, intent(in) :: index

The index at which to set the triplet.

type(Triplet_c), intent(in) :: triplet_value

The value of the triplet to set.