EigenSolversModule.F90 Source File


Source Code

!> A module for computing the eigenvalues of a matrix.
MODULE EigenSolversModule
  USE DataTypesModule, ONLY : NTREAL
  USE DMatrixModule, ONLY : Matrix_ldr, Matrix_ldc, ConstructMatrixDFromS, &
       & ConstructMatrixSFromD, DestructMatrix
  USE EigenExaModule, ONLY : EigenExa_s
  USE LoggingModule, ONLY : EnterSubLog, ExitSubLog, WriteHeader, WriteElement
  USE PSMatrixAlgebraModule, ONLY : MatrixMultiply
  USE PSMatrixModule, ONLY : Matrix_ps, GatherMatrixToProcess, &
       & FillMatrixFromTripletList, ConstructEmptyMatrix, ConvertMatrixToReal, &
       & DestructMatrix, CopyMatrix, GetMatrixTripletList, TransposeMatrix, &
       & ConjugateMatrix
  USE SolverParametersModule, ONLY : SolverParameters_t, PrintParameters, &
       & DestructSolverParameters, ConstructSolverParameters, &
       & CopySolverParameters
  USE SMatrixModule, ONLY : Matrix_lsr, Matrix_lsc, MatrixToTripletList, &
       & DestructMatrix
  USE TripletListModule, ONLY : TripletList_r, TripletList_c, &
       & ConstructTripletList, DestructTripletList
  PUBLIC :: EigenDecomposition
  PUBLIC :: DenseMatrixFunction
CONTAINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  !> Compute the eigendecomposition of a matrix.
  !! Uses a dense routine.
  SUBROUTINE EigenDecomposition(this, eigenvalues, eigenvectors_in, nvals_in, &
       & solver_parameters_in)
    !> The matrix to decompose.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(IN) :: this
    !> Diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(INOUT) :: eigenvalues
    !> The eigenvectors of a matrix.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: eigenvectors_in
    !> The number of desired eigenvalues.
    !> Parameters for computing
    TYPE(SolverParameters_t), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: solver_parameters_in
    !! For Handling Optional Parameters
    TYPE(SolverParameters_t) :: params
    INTEGER :: nvals

    !! Optional Parameters
    IF (PRESENT(solver_parameters_in)) THEN
       CALL CopySolverParameters(solver_parameters_in, params)
       CALL ConstructSolverParameters(params)
    END IF
    IF (PRESENT(nvals_in)) THEN
       nvals = nvals_in
       nvals = this%actual_matrix_dimension
    END IF

    IF (PRESENT(eigenvectors_in)) THEN
       CALL EigenExa_s(this, eigenvalues, nvals, eigenvectors_in, &
            & solver_parameters_in = params)
       CALL EigenExa_s(this, eigenvalues, nvals, &
            & solver_parameters_in = params)
    END IF
    IF (PRESENT(eigenvectors_in)) THEN
       CALL EigenSerial(this, eigenvalues, nvals, params, eigenvectors_in)
       CALL EigenSerial(this, eigenvalues, nvals, params)
    END IF

    !! Cleanup
    CALL DestructSolverParameters(params)
  END SUBROUTINE EigenDecomposition
  !> Apply an arbitrary matrix function defined by a matrix map as a
  !! transformation of the eigenvalues.
  SUBROUTINE DenseMatrixFunction(this, ResultMat, func, solver_parameters_in)
    !> The matrix to apply the function to.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(IN) :: this
    !> The transformed matrix
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(INOUT) :: ResultMat
       !> The procedure to apply to each eigenvalue.
       FUNCTION func(val) RESULT(outval)
         USE DataTypesModule, ONLY : NTREAL
         !> The actual value of an element.
         REAL(KIND = NTREAL), INTENT(IN) :: val
         !> The transformed value.
         REAL(KIND = NTREAL) :: outval
       END FUNCTION func
    !> Parameters for computing
    TYPE(SolverParameters_t), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: solver_parameters_in
    !! For Handling Optional Parameters
    TYPE(SolverParameters_t) :: params
    !! Local Variables
    TYPE(Matrix_ps) :: vecs, vecsT, vals, temp
    TYPE(TripletList_r) :: tlist

    !! Optional Parameters
    IF (PRESENT(solver_parameters_in)) THEN
       CALL CopySolverParameters(solver_parameters_in, params)
       CALL ConstructSolverParameters(params)
    END IF

    !! Perform the eigendecomposition
    CALL EigenDecomposition(this, vals, solver_parameters_in = params, &
         & eigenvectors_in = vecs)

    !! Convert to a triplet list, map the triplet list, fill.
    CALL GetMatrixTripletList(vals, tlist)
    DO II = 1, tlist%CurrentSize
       tlist%DATA(II)%point_value = func(tlist%DATA(II)%point_value)
    END DO

    !! Fill
    CALL ConstructEmptyMatrix(ResultMat, this)
    CALL FillMatrixFromTripletList(ResultMat, tlist, preduplicated_in = .TRUE.)

    !! Multiply Back Together
    CALL MatrixMultiply(vecs, ResultMat, temp, threshold_in = params%threshold)
    CALL TransposeMatrix(vecs, vecsT)
    CALL ConjugateMatrix(vecsT)
    CALL MatrixMultiply(temp, vecsT, ResultMat, threshold_in = params%threshold)

    !! Cleanup
    CALL DestructMatrix(vecs)
    CALL DestructMatrix(temp)
    CALL DestructMatrix(vals)
    CALL DestructTripletList(tlist)
    CALL DestructSolverParameters(params)

  END SUBROUTINE DenseMatrixFunction
  !> The base case: use lapack to solve.
  SUBROUTINE EigenSerial(this, eigenvalues, nvals, solver_params, &
       & eigenvectors_in)
    !> The matrix to compute.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(IN) :: this
    !> The eigenvalues of the matrix.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(INOUT) :: eigenvalues
    !> The number of vals to compute.
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nvals
    !> The solve parameters.
    TYPE(SolverParameters_t), INTENT(IN) :: solver_params
    !> The eigenvectors of the matrix.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: eigenvectors_in

    !! Write info about the solver
    IF (solver_params%be_verbose) THEN
       CALL WriteHeader("Eigen Solver")
       CALL EnterSubLog
       CALL WriteElement(key = "Method", VALUE = "LAPACK")
       CALL WriteElement(key = "NVALS", VALUE = nvals)
       CALL ExitSubLog
       CALL PrintParameters(solver_params)
    END IF

    IF (this%is_complex) THEN
       IF (PRESENT(eigenvectors_in)) THEN
          CALL EigenSerial_c(this, eigenvalues, nvals, &
               & solver_params%threshold, eigenvectors_in)
          CALL EigenSerial_c(this, eigenvalues, nvals, &
               & solver_params%threshold)
       END IF
       IF (PRESENT(eigenvectors_in)) THEN
          CALL EigenSerial_r(this, eigenvalues, nvals, &
               & solver_params%threshold, eigenvectors_in)
          CALL EigenSerial_r(this, eigenvalues, nvals, &
               & solver_params%threshold)
       END IF
    END IF
  !> The base case: use lapack to solve (REAL).
  SUBROUTINE EigenSerial_r(this, eigenvalues, nvals, threshold, &
       & eigenvectors_in)
    USE DMatrixModule, ONLY : EigenDecomposition
    !> The matrix to compute.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(IN) :: this
    !> The eigenvalues of the matrix.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(INOUT) :: eigenvalues
    !> Number of values to compute.
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nvals
    !> Threshold
    REAL(NTREAL), INTENT(IN) :: threshold
    !> Matrix eigenvectors.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: eigenvectors_in
    !! Local variables
    TYPE(Matrix_lsr) :: local_s, V_s, W_s
    TYPE(Matrix_ldr) :: local_d, V, W
    TYPE(TripletList_r) :: V_t, W_t

#include "eigenexa_includes/EigenSerial.f90"

  END SUBROUTINE EigenSerial_r
  !> The base case: use lapack to solve (COMPLEX).
  SUBROUTINE EigenSerial_c(this, eigenvalues, nvals, threshold, &
       & eigenvectors_in)
    USE DMatrixModule, ONLY : EigenDecomposition
    !> The matrix to compute.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(IN) :: this
    !> The eigenvalues of the matrix.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(INOUT) :: eigenvalues
    !> Number of values to compute.
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nvals
    !> Threshold
    REAL(NTREAL), INTENT(IN) :: threshold
    !> Matrix eigenvectors.
    TYPE(Matrix_ps), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: eigenvectors_in
    !! Local variables
    TYPE(Matrix_lsc) :: local_s, V_s, W_s
    TYPE(Matrix_ldc) :: local_d, V, W
    TYPE(TripletList_c) :: V_t, W_t
    TYPE(Matrix_ps) :: eigenvalues_r

#include "eigenexa_includes/EigenSerial.f90"

    CALL ConvertMatrixToReal(eigenvalues, eigenvalues_r)
    CALL CopyMatrix(eigenvalues_r, eigenvalues)
    CALL DestructMatrix(eigenvalues_r)

  END SUBROUTINE EigenSerial_c
END MODULE EigenSolversModule