GemmTasksModule.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

!> This module contains some enumerators which name the tasks for Gemm.
MODULE GemmTasksModule
     !> Something is in progress
     ENUMERATOR :: TaskRunningA
     !> First we gather the blocks of A and send the size.
     ENUMERATOR :: LocalGatherA
     !> After the local gather, we then send the size to the other tasks.
     ENUMERATOR :: SendSizeA
     !> Next we compose those blocks of A into one big send buffer and send.
     ENUMERATOR :: ComposeA
     !> Wait for the outer index values to be gathered.
     ENUMERATOR :: WaitOuterA
     !> Wait for the inner index values to be gathered.
     ENUMERATOR :: WaitInnerA
     !> Wait for the data values to be gathered,
     ENUMERATOR :: WaitDataA
     !> Need to adjusts indices, transpose the values of A.
     ENUMERATOR :: AdjustIndicesA
     !> Just waiting on that last task.
     ENUMERATOR :: CleanupA
     !> No more work to do.
     ENUMERATOR :: FinishedA
     !> Something is in progress
     ENUMERATOR :: TaskRunningB
     !> First we gather the blocks of B and send the size.
     ENUMERATOR :: LocalGatherB
     !> Next we compose those blocks of B into one big send buffer and send.
     ENUMERATOR :: LocalComposeB
     !> After the local gather, we then send the size to the other tasks.
     ENUMERATOR :: SendSizeB
     !> Wait for the outer index values to be gathered.
     ENUMERATOR :: WaitOuterB
     !> Wait for the inner index values to be gathered.
     ENUMERATOR :: WaitInnerB
     !> Wait for the data values to be gathered, and then adjusts the indices.
     ENUMERATOR :: WaitDataB
     !> Need to adjusts indices of B.
     ENUMERATOR :: AdjustIndicesB
     !> Just waiting on that last task.
     ENUMERATOR :: CleanupB
     !> No more work to do.
     ENUMERATOR :: FinishedB
     !> Something is in progress.
     ENUMERATOR :: TaskRunningAB
     !> A and B matrix both missing, so it cannot do gemm.
     ENUMERATOR :: AwaitingAB
     !> Actually call gemm and compute a block, and send its size.
     !> After the local Gemm, we then send the size to the other tasks.
     ENUMERATOR :: SendSizeAB
     !> Start sending the data for summing.
     ENUMERATOR :: GatherAndSumAB
     !> Wait for the outer index values to be gathered.
     ENUMERATOR :: WaitOuterAB
     !> Wait for the inner index values to be gathered.
     ENUMERATOR :: WaitInnerAB
     !> Wait for the data values to be gathered. Once receive, we increment.
     ENUMERATOR :: WaitDataAB
     !> Sum up the gathered matrices.
     ENUMERATOR :: LocalSumAB
     !> Just waiting on that last task.
     ENUMERATOR :: CleanupAB
     !> No more work to do.
     ENUMERATOR :: FinishedAB
END MODULE GemmTasksModule