DotAllHelper Interface

public interface DotAllHelper


Module Procedures

private subroutine DotAllHelper_r(num_values_i, indices_i, values_i, num_values_j, indices_j, values_j, out_values, comm)

Helper routine which computes sparse dot products across processors. Computes the dot product of one vector with several others.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: num_values_i

The length of vector i.

integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: indices_i

The index value of the sparse vector i.

real(kind=NTREAL), intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: values_i

The values of the sparse vector i.

integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:):: num_values_j

Tn array with the length of vectors j.

integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:,:):: indices_j

The indices of the vectors j.

real(kind=NTREAL), intent(in), DIMENSION(:,:):: values_j

The values of the vectors j.

real(kind=NTREAL), intent(out), DIMENSION(:):: out_values

The dot product values for each vector j.

integer, intent(inout) :: comm

The communicator to reduce along.