FactorizedCompute Interface

public interface FactorizedCompute


Module Procedures

private subroutine FactorizedCompute_cheby(InputMat, OutputMat, poly, solver_parameters_in)

Compute The Chebyshev Polynomial of the matrix. This version first factors the Chebyshev Polynomial and computes the function using a divide and conquer algorithm. Based on a simplified version of the first method in \cite liang2003improved .


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(Matrix_ps), intent(in) :: InputMat

The input matrix

type(Matrix_ps), intent(inout) :: OutputMat

OutputMat = poly(InputMat)

type(ChebyshevPolynomial_t), intent(in) :: poly

The Chebyshev polynomial to compute.

type(SolverParameters_t), intent(in), optional :: solver_parameters_in

Parameters for the solver.