Linear Operators in Python

This blog post is a follow up to my previous post about creating a simple Schrödinger equation solver in python. Please read that post before continuing.

In the previous post, we represented our operators (Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy) as sparse matrices. This worked well, but we spent a lot of effort dealing with matrix indexing. What we would prefer would be to write a function that simply takes an input vector (the wavefunction), and computes how it is transformed by a given operator. This can in fact be done, using scipy's feature of linear operators[1].

Let's begin by considering the potential. What is the simplest way to describe a potential? Well, as a vector, where we write the potential at each point in space. Our goal then is to write the potential like this:

def HydrogenOperator(x_values):
    Hydrogen potential well
    return [1.0/abs(x) for x in x_values]

Beyond that, we would like to write the action of the potential on a given wavefunction like this:

def HydrogenOperator(x_values, wavefunction):
    Hydrogen potential well
    return [w * 1.0/abs(x) for x, w in zip(x_values, wavefunction)]

And we would like to similarly write the action of the kinetic energy operator as:

def TOperator(invec, grid_spacing):
    Five point stencil kinetic energy operator.
    from numpy import zeros
    grid_size = len(invec)
    outvec = zeros(grid_size)

    for i in range(0, grid_size):
        outval = 0
        if i > 1:
            outval -= invec[i - 2]
        if i > 0:
            outval += 16.0 * invec[i - 1]
        outval -= 30.0 * invec[i]
        if i + 1 < grid_size:
            outval += 16.0 * invec[i + 1]
        if i + 2 < grid_size:
            outval -= invec[i + 2]

        outvec[i] = -0.5 * outval / (12.0 * grid_spacing**2)

    return outvec

How do we accomplish that? Well if we look at the documentation for the linear operator[1], we see that to construct it, we need two pieces of information. First, the size of the matrix like operator we are creating, and second a function that applies it to a vector. There is one problem though. This function needs to take only one variable as input!

This problem can be circumvented using a closure[2]. Closures are a powerful paradigm that comes from the world of functional programming. Imagine a simple scenario. We have a function as below:

def f(x, b):
  return x + b

Now, we want to be able to pass this function to a different piece of code, and we want that piece of code to not have to worry about knowing the value of b. This could be done with a function factory like approach:

def factory(b):
    def f(x):
        return x + b
    return f

myfun = factory(3)

Calling the factory function will return a function f that takes one argument x, and remembers the value b due to dynamic scoping. This could be written more succinctly with a lambda expression:

b = 3
f = lambda x: x + b

So how do we use this with the linear operator? Like this:

from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
KineticOperator = LinearOperator((grid_size, grid_size),
                                 matvec=lambda wf: TOperator(wf, grid_spacing))

A similar approach works for the potential energy operator. Then we sum the operators up into our Hamiltonian, and we can use the eigensolver exactly as before:

# Solve The Eigenvalue Equation
values, vectors = eigsh(Hamiltonian, k=nocc, which='SA')

Now let's use this paradigm to try something interesting. What if we wanted to tease out how the eigsh function works? One thing we could do is keep track of what vectors it passes to our operator.

passed_values = []

def track_hamiltonian(wf):
    return TOperator(wf, grid_spacing) + potential(wf, x_values)

Hamiltonian = LinearOperator((grid_size, grid_size),

# Solve The Eigenvalue Equation
values, vectors = eigsh(Hamiltonian, k=nocc, which='SA')

Now we can do something like figure out how many iterations were required to solve the equation:


